Perda Rubja Composite: Delivering Quality Innovations.

Perda Rubja provides an all-encompassing production process service within the manufacturing of composite and metal products. Our offering is made possible through the integration of cutting-edge technologies that operate in synergy with a profoundly skilled and proficient team.

Our primary focus is to extend comprehensive support to our valued customers throughout each pivotal stage of the production journey. This unwavering commitment begins with the initial engineering phase and extends all the way to the ultimate moment of delivering meticulously crafted one-of-a-kind pieces as well as limited series productions. This holistic approach ensures that every intricate detail is attended to with precision, resulting in products that exemplify excellence at every level of their creation.

Our Departments


Process technology

Our Team

“Perfection, high-speed performance, cutting-edge technology, unparalleled competence, unwavering passion, and profound emotions define us. These core attributes underscore our expertise in crafting products that not only exude quality but also embody technological excellence.

Every individual in our team understands and values their unique role. They recognize that their personal input and dedication play a pivotal role in the overall success of our projects. This collective effort ensures that the triumphs we achieve are not just ours but are shared and celebrated with our esteemed customers.”

Custom projects

Leveraging our extensive experience across multiple sectors and our comprehensive production chain, we possess an unparalleled expertise that positions us uniquely to execute specialized and one-of-a-kind projects. Our team, comprised of seasoned technical experts, is driven by an innate curiosity and a relentless pursuit of innovation. This unwavering commitment to embracing new challenges equips us with the capabilities to provide top-tier competence, ensuring that we not only meet but exceed the expectations of our clients. Furthermore, our dedication to fostering strong partnerships ensures that our customers receive consistent and robust support throughout our collaboration.

Get a Quote

Custom or series production we will be  delighted to help you.


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